Friday, August 8, 2008

Is LiveStrong dead?

I saw one today and remembered it--when did people stop wearing those LiveStrong bracelets, and the knock-off ones? I'm certainly glad it's over, but they lasted for a good while. How long does it take for fads like that to die? (Note: Stephen Colbert still wears his WristStrong bracelet.)


Scott Joy said...

For many people affected by cancer, it's not a fad, it's a critical cause and an attitude that keeps us focused. Long live LIVESTRONG!

Adam Stempel said...

See, that's what I'd like to think. Cancer is certainly still a big issue. But the bracelets were more or less a fad: they sparked a whole industry of cheap rubber jewelry, and now you don't really see them anymore. I'm willing to admit that the hype was worth it, and that the cause was advanced, but I'm curious as to when it went out of the mainstream style, even if some people are still hardcore enough to wear them.