Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Decline and Fall of Nothing in Particular

So apparently our economy sucks. This is somewhat interesting to me. People have been saying for as long as I've been willing to listen that America is on the brink of a recession, and this looks kind of like the real thing.
It might be kind of fun. I don't really have any money to speak of in the market, and the nice thing about recessions is that people recover from them and then are richer than before. Either that or we'll be bought by the UAE, which might be an interesting experience in and of itself. Also, it might encourage people not to be investment bankers.


David said...

"might encourage people not to be investment bankers."

I'm excited about this part of it.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, however, we have among us all these angry would-be investment bankers who weren't planning on having the economy go sour when they needed an internship or job....

Adam Stempel said...

Well it's about time they try to find themselves a REAL job.